Sunday, March 15, 2009

This is my final entry. I will miss tuning in every week to sell my concoction. This week I sit in shanti as I pen down my deepest thoughts about trust. Initially i wrote a paragraph on assimilation. But i deleted it. This is a new one:) TRUST... a five letter-ed word we hardly ponder over. The reason why i believe the world goes round. The sun trusts the moon to show up after it sets. A student trusts the alarm clock that would wake him up each morning. A restaurant owner has trust that his customers would show up even before he sets up his restaurant. An angsty boss may never love his subordinate but he would still trust that subordinate to turn in the expected work in the nick of time. Yes, we all preach trust. We may not love the world but we do know that we have no choice other than to trust along the way. Be it bffs, bfs or siblings who betray us, we would still issue them that tiny winy morsel of trust. Trust is paramount. Agreed. But how do purveyors communicate trust? It makes me wonder why we are taught to be trustworthy but never taught to trust? Seems like 'trust' has an insidious nature. Well, actually not. Many of us hardly trust people easily because we had our fair share of healing wounds on our backs. We then stereotype groups of people according to our prototype of grass and experience. This prototype of grass is passed down to friends, family and generations. They communicate this over in the form of jokes, set backs and bed time stories even. Having said in intricate detail about the hand-me-downs of negative trust.. I shall now reveal the secret to communicating trust. This is solely my interpretation and shall not be proclaimed the only formula per se. "Never promise what you can't deliver!" "Do not preach something you don't practice" and adopt a positive attitute towards people who can't deliver something they promise. If it's something minute though intangible and voluminous to you.. "Don't sweat the small stuff." It's unhealthy:) 

So here's wishing you a healthy lifestyle...:)




  1. Hi,,

    First one to comment..... :D
    Interesting topic,, TRUST.......
    You're right that we are taught to be trustworthy but never taught to trust,, we learn it through our experiences.

    I'm a person who can trust other easily, once he/she breaks my trust, I will not trust that person anymore although I still forgive....

    Please comment on my blog too..... :D

  2. yesyes! never ever promise what you cannot deliver. that's the most dangerous part and yet, many people do so for the sake of conforming to the majorities.

    for me, trust is something we should all build up on. it takes just that little bit of effort to do so. i guess why we subject oursleves to be trustworthy is based on what society perceive us to be.

    do comment on my blog too :)

  3. For me, its easy for me to place trust on others but its an uphill climb for anyone to regain it once its lost...

    But these days, its hard to find a truly trustworthy person..

    (And....... Comment on my blog! ;D )

  4. Anonymous22:41

    i dont trust me. if you cant deliver.. dnt make the dumb promise in the first plc rite.. if i wre to point my finger.. i wd be pointin at me.. everyone has broken sm trust here and thre..pfft. wonder who's a saint.

    interestin post.. i go to bed every nite trustin my heart, tht it wont fail me in my slp. hahahah. okay -.-

  5. FOr me, I "trust no one"...
    Yes, I have bad experiences in the past that made me this way.

    "we are taught to be trustworthy but never taught to trust"..
    True enough. And I think it is not easy to teach about 'trust' too. LoL!

    "Never promise what you can't deliver"
    I think that's the destruction to trust in us humans. We always think that we can do something for the other person, say it in such 'pro' ways convincing the other party to put full trust in us but come to know that in the end they get nothing from us. Very sad man...

    Kinda point out a very good point here, something we really did not pay attention to. Makes us think a little about ourselves too. Good job!


  6. Anonymous01:55

    Ironically the ones that betray u the most are usually the ones u put most of your trust on...never trust anymore

  7. Hey girl,

    You have made a very good post on the trust issue. I share your views =)

    True enough. We are taught to be trustworthy, but never taught to trust. We sometimes hear people say, 'I don't trust him or her.' What does that mean? I believe people wrestled with doubts and questions in the midst of trusting the person.

    I believe the way for me to trust someone else is to have enough confidence in my own abilities to take a chance and go ahead and trust them. A primary reason we don't trust others is that we are afraid of how their letting us down will impact us.

    If you have faith in your own abilities, then you have faith that if someone does let you down, you will be able to deal with it. In most cases if you believe in yourself, you will be able to give others the benefit of the doubt.

  8. Anonymous17:15

    Hi there.

    I've had my fair share of an unpleasant experience on trust .

    Till today, I still have doubts on trusting people due to the past that im still clinging onto. We all tend to stereotype people based on our past.

    I do agree that you must have confidence in your own abilities .

    You need to be strong in order to deal with trust.

    Thus, i agree with you on the trust topic that you have posted. Always have a positive attitude .

    Gowri aka Gloria

  9. Anonymous09:03

    nice post =)

    just the pick-me-up i needed...

    thanks sue
