Sunday, March 8, 2009

"Just a game"... hah!

A 45-year-old Granite Falls, Snohomish Country, man was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment because he arranged to have sex with a 14-year-old girl. Geogory Charles Dolle enticed the minor after watching the TV show, 'To Catch a Predator'. He reportedly claimed to have gone online after watching this show to see if the police were baiting him or entrapping the predators. Dolle mentioned that it was "just a game" to him. The Portland "minor" that Dolle assumed he was alluring was in actual fact an undercover FBI agent. Dolle was arrested when he showed up to meet the "minor". 

Our world thrives on computer mediated communication. And cases like Dolle's are one of it's predominant features. The interaction between unknown identities in the virtual world is like catastrophe looming in the dark waters. Many parents act as bulwark against such crime by supervising and restricting their children. Yet, cyber crime is rampant. 

Perpetrators of fraud are creating new ways to scam Internet users every day. It is impossible to know all the scams that are occurring on the Web. There are several precautions that an Internet user can take to protect themselves from becoming a victim of Internet fraud. And you can get vigilant too.

Cyberspace is full of deception. Though it's part of our everyday life, CMC differs from face-to-face communication. CMC limits the level of synchronicity of interaction, which may cause a reduction of interactivity. Furthermore, CMC can overcome time- and space dependencies. The anonymity in CMC makes it very difficult to identify or guard against recalcitrants. So to predict or prevent CMC effects... that's going to be a difficult one considering how essential CMC has become:) 

Let's share... fill the air with your deep and sweeping vistas.


  1. Anonymous20:25

    Oh my! There's so many cases like this these days! The arrest really shows that young girls must be careful online when they meet such people, and that you can never really know who is chatting with you online on the other side.

    Serves the man right!

    And yes, I agree that cyberspace is indeed getting more and more dangerous. Scams and frauds are common cases. Yet it is really hard to nab these people, unless you ambush them.

    Although I do acknowledge efforts taken by the online community to prevent such actions, I think these efforts are futile unless there is a strong cooperation between government bodies and online administrators to salvage the situation.

  2. Yes girls should really be careful who they chat with and who they mix around with... hmm with the growing of CMC, many virtual crime have surface and becoming more common... i guess this is the negative part of CMC... haha~

  3. Anonymous01:53

    The cyber world is the only place where we can be ourselves without ppl being able to judge us cause they dont know who we are...I guess thats why lots of crimes happen in the cyber world and it cant be avoided..poor perverted 45 year old man lol

  4. Anonymous02:31

    the cyber space was meant to benefit people. but bad people saw the loop holes and exploits them

    it all boils down to integrity.

    apparently, not many have it. then young kids, especially girls got to be very careful guarding against people online with suspicious intentions.

  5. It pays to be careful online! =D It's funny how people still persist in their deviant acts despite numerous cases of their brethren falling prey to police upon execution. It really goes on to show how 'safe' people feel when assuming their virtual identities yea?

    Funny how people seem to be empowered behind their computer screens, typing away on their keyboards as compared to talking to others face-to-face? Do you think that the man will dare to 'hit-on' the 14 year old girl if he's to meet her on the streets?
